Ctra. la Aldehuela, nº 23 49029 Zamora |
tf fx e- |
+34 980 040 016 +34 980 525 340 info@lechazodecastillayleon.es |
The sheep-breeding sector has always played an important role in the economy of Zamora. Not only does the area possess one of the most uniform sheeps stocks in terms of breeds, above all churra and castellana, but support is also given to the growing presence of the processing industry.
As the Specific Denomination states, the "Lechazo de Castilla y León" lambs belong to the churra, castellana an ojalada breeds and their diet consists exclusively of mother's milk. These three indigenous breeds are the only ones able to produce the meat which is termed "Lechazo de Castilla y León". The young lamb meat, or "cordero lechal" as it is known locally, is pearly white or pale pink, has a slight fragrance, a smooth flavour and is tender and juicy. The maximum weight at the time of slaughter is 12 kg and the maximum age is 35 days.
In Zamora, the animals come from approved cattle farms which are registered with the "Indicación Geográfica Protegida" which exists throughout the entire province. They are identified by means of a label and four temperature-resistant bands which guarantee their quality. They all bear the logo of the Regulating Council for "Lechazo de Castilla y León".
Moralejo Selección S.L Ctra. Todesillas Km.449 - Coreses - Zamora Tel.: +34 980 500 097 - Fax: +34 980 510 357 Moralejo.net | info@moralejo.net |
Asovino, Sociedad Cooperativa Zamora Tel.: +34 980 526 663 |
La Faya Biológicos del Noroeste S.L. Cibanal de Sayago - Zamora Tel.: +34 658 912 575 |
María del Carmen Ares Alfonso Villalpando - Zamora Tel.: +34 980 660 867 |
Carnes Selectas del Noroeste Faramontanos de Tábara - Zamora Tel.: +34 980 595 073 |
Deovino S.L. Zamora Tel.: +34 679 166 579 |
Julio Romero Pérez Zamora Tel.: +34 678 720 088 |
Industrias Cárnicas Famjom, S.L. Coreses - Zamora Tel.: +34 677 541 364 |
Juan José Ledesma, S.A. Zamora Tel.: +34 980 538 219 |